Friday, February 25, 2011

The Singularity is Near

Ths week we had to write an abstract of our last book we read, mine was The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil. Though the topic is excessively complex, this is what I managed to come up with:

The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil is a book about the implications of the rapid exponential growth of technology, and the point when technological evolution merges with biological evolution. Kurzweil’s book delineates the past, present, and future course of the exponential growth of technology creating an excellently well articulated, thoroughly supported and cited explanation of his ideas of the evolution of technology. The Singularity is an era that incorporates artificial intelligence gaining the ability to access its source code and become infinitely more intelligent, our merger with that technology to allow us to become infinitely more intelligent (and become resistant to disease and other inherent vulnerabilities in our biological structure), living forever as the life expectancy per year increases more than a year per year, a revolution in genetics where we can alter to genetic structure as biological beings without limit, living partially in virtual reality that we create for ourselves, augmenting reality as we perceive it, expanding our intelligence throughout the universe, waking up the universe with intelligent nano-technology to bring in into a sentient consciousness saturated with intelligence.

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