Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tragedy Creation

As the date grows nearer where our tragedy piece is due, I'm leaning more away from making my musical representation of tragedy as a guitar piece, towards making an electronic, progressive house or trance track. I feel like certain progressive house riffs and and most trance riffs carry lots of emotion, especially comparison to guitar riffs. I'm not saying I don't believe one can create tragic music with a guitar, I just believe the certain styles of electronic music can carry more poignant sounds. A progressive house artist whose style I will be attempting to emulate to some extent is 'Deadmau5'.

This is a track by deadmau5 that is a good representation of what I am attempting to create:

I hope to be able to create a piece that fluidly integrates both major and minor riffs, and some that hover somewhere inbetween. Through the fluctuation in major and minor sounds I hope to create music that aptly represents and can be interpreted as tragic. I believe progressive house more than trance carries the minor emotions associated with tragedy, as trance tends to be more uplifting or energetic, although both are usually emotionally powerful.

1 comment:

  1. That music piece is creepy.

    I'm actually "writing" a song for my tragedy piece, but the lyrics are the part I'm focusing on to make a tragedy. What a cool idea to try and represent tragedy through musical notes.

    I think the more open, wide notes sound like tragedies; I agree that electric guitar can create incredibly sad musical pieces. I'm interested to hear how you represent the idea of tragedy through a song.
