Friday, April 15, 2011

Wrapping up Tragedy and Comedy

This week as came back from break things have been really pretty mellow, the only thing we really worked on was closing up our Tragedy and Comedy project by producing our final tribute/re-enactment. Jason and I chose to do a voice-over recording of the second scene of act four, which is the scene where Feste is toying with Malvolio's head during his imprisonment. Below is our artist statement and link to our recording.

Taunt of Malvolio

Artist Statement:

We chose to re-enact scene where Feste is messing with Malvolio during his imprisonment. For two reasons, we chose to do so in the form of a voice-over. The first and foremost reason for this was that Shakespeare’s plays were written with the lines to dictate the nature of the speech, and we thought we could most clearly, and directly attempt this through a voice-over reading of the scene. The second reason was that we thought doing purely a voice-over reading of the scene would exemplify Feste’s impersonation of one Sir Topas, and his dialogue as both characters with Malvolio. We should like our audience to consider how Feste is clearing toying with Malvolio’s fragile state as he plays back and forth between the Fool and Sir Topas.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to performing tomorrow. Ours is the scene where Olivia first falls in love with Viola, except the play is set in the 'new world' with Viola as a Native American woman disguising as a man so that she can get a job among the white people. I like the idea of your adaptation too. It should be very interesting to hear your voice-over.
