Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wheels Keep Turning

This week, as you may have guessed, we continued to study Twelfth Night, which was again, fun interesting, and slightly repetitive. I am looking forward though to making a voice acted play version of a scene from twelfth night, I think it'd be really fun to have to portray that much character through only voices. I've also been reading more of Jeff Hawkin's On Intelligence, and to be honest, I'm really enjoying his extreme lack of formality, but I am getting excited for his thoughts to play out as he delineates the core structure of the book.

I feel like second semester senior year is honestly slowing down to a crawl in all our classes, except for calculus. I find it almost fatiguing to endure endless hours of Twelfth Night, not say I don't like the underlying reason we're studying, its just the lack of productivity that leaves me feeling, lack luster I suppose.

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