Friday, December 10, 2010

This week I finished up reading Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged which was definitely a huge read, but was very rewarding and worth it. Rand's extreme view on capitalism and socialism made for an interesting story line in a projection of America as it falls to socialism. Whether you agree or disagree with Rand's philosophy, you cant help but enjoy the way she so elegantly portrays it through a complex storyline, and beautiful descriptons.

After reading the book, I had to write an essay answering whether or not i believed selfishness to be virtuous in both a practical and moral sense. I chose to argue that it was for two main reasons. First, selfishness implies all men living for themselves, which inherently implies all men's freedom from having to live for eachother. 2) Selfishness and freedom from living for others allows uninhibited rationality (no emotional restraints), to breed optimal success.

Overall I found both the book and the topic to be very thought-provoking.

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